This recent article in the Federal Way Mirror is an important and relevant reading of the status quo in FWPS. Federal Way Public Academy is emblematic of what education could and should be throughout the district. Curt, who I remember from my days in high school, is a model teacher who obviously invests himself in his profession. We need more of his compassion and insight. I wish him well in his retirement years.
I read the contemporary politics of our day disabusing such notions of achievement and advancement. These cannot be allowed to become rooted here. Frankly, it is often in our stumbles, we learn to get back on our feet and persevere. Advancing the unprepared is not helpful. Enabling actually reinforces limits in their abilities and Ill-prepares them for the certain challenges that life will present in the future.
My fullest efforts will be applied to work with FWPS to use FWPA engagement as the rule, not the exception in public education. Not all students are scholars preparing for college and professions. But all students should be preparing for learned skills and life affirming self-confidence.
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