Critical Race Theory

Quentin Morris Federal Way School Board director Education Critical Race Theory blog

So, have you seen the big push by some teachers (organized and martialed with an agenda) and some media outlets to “inform” you that CRT is only about teaching the truth of our history? If only this was true. To be sure, I am not running against these people. I am running to ensure TRUTH in education. There is darkness in our history that deserves to be noticed. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. But, I have grave concerns about reading history from verifiably flawed and dishonest sources such as Howard Zinn and Nikole Hannah-Jones. We have enough examples of bad action to work with. Balance is required. Frankly, there is no other nation on earth that has improved the lives of so many. We have advanced and taken down so many of the structural barriers to free ALL people who seek independence and self determination. The history of our Republic is rich with examples of the goodness in our history and culture. There is a reason there are exponentially more people coming here than fleeing. I am all for teaching the uncensored truth. Let’s ensure that it is indeed truth which is what we are pouring into our children’s heads.

No. The real agenda of CRT is not confined to teaching “the truth” of our history. Here is an example of what these teachers and media are not telling you as they attempt to shame concerned communities. Now, I am an engineer and I absolutely cannot wrap my mind around how math and science are “racist”. Our K-12 students are preparing for the real world. They deserve better than “theories” being applied to an agenda that distorts their worldview. This agenda feels very much like George Orwell’s vision of 1984 knocking on the door of our schools. It clearly is now imbedded in social media. This makes me wonder if 1984 and Animal Farm remain on the list of readings that I had in school. I will soon find out.
This is NOT a Dem v GOP debate.
This should be the concern of all regardless where you are on the political spectrum.
Education is to be empowering. I had the benefit of a “liberal education”. This education freed me to read and discernment from all sources.
Shaming is not an argument.
Bring facts and share truth.